Setting Up Other Devices

Use this procedure to set up the following devices that are attached to your Epicor Eagle™ for Windows terminals:

This procedure assumes that the device you want to configure is plugged into the appropriate port on the Eagle for Windows PC.

Setting Up Devices

  1. From the Eagle Browser, click Utilities (in the blue left pane of the window). From the menu that displays, click Device Configuration.

The Configure Devices window displays.

  1. Double-click on the Device Type that needs to be configured.

  2. If the device you are configuring requires a serial or COM port connection, click Port and select the appropriate COM port. Then click OK.

Note:  if the Port button is greyed out, this means the device does not require a serial or COM port connection.

  1. If there are other buttons in the list, be sure to click them to complete the setup of the device. However, only click the Delete button if you need to delete the setup and start over.

  1. When you're finished with the setup, click OK.  If the device requires testing, you are asked if you want to test the device now.  Click Yes, and follow the prompts on the screen.

  2. If you need to configure another device, repeat steps 1-5.

  3. Before you exit Device Configuration, click Tools at the top of the window, and then click Set Retail Device Level.

  4. Click All Supported Devices, and click OK.

  5. Exit the Device Configuration window by clicking Close or clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window.

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