These fields on the identify the types of codes you are including or excluding from the A/R Aging Report (RAG). Use these fields and the Exclude? field to limit the information that prints.
The codes available are as follows:
Account--These codes are in Customer Maintenance.
To use Account codes to limit what prints, type the code in the appropriate position. Then use the Exclude? field to specify whether you want to include or exclude accounts with that account code. For example: You want to exclude employee accounts. First, type E in the second position of the Account Codes field. (When you added your accounts in Customer Maintenance, you put an E in the second position to identify employee accounts.) Then type Y over the second N in the Exclude? field. When you run the report, the system excludes employee accounts.
Balance Method--These codes are in Customer Maintenance.
To use Balance Method, type the balance method that you want to include or exclude. Then use the Exclude? field to specify whether you want to include or exclude accounts with that balance method. For example: You want to print an aging report for all balance forward accounts. Type B in the Bal Method field. Since you want to see balance forward accounts (you want to include them), leave the N in the Exclude? field.
Terms Code--These codes are in Terms Code Maintenance.
To use Terms Code, type the terms code that you want to include or exclude. Then use the Exclude? field to specify whether you want to include or exclude accounts with that terms code.