Setting Up Vendor's Terms

A terms code is used by the system to calculate discounts due for prompt payment. For example, you may have a vendor that gives you a 5% discount when you pay your bill within 15 days of the invoice date.

Set up a code for each different payment term you plan to use in the Accounts Payable application. Normally, you use only a few different payment terms.

Setting up Vendor’s Terms

  1. Display the Vendor File Maintenance window.

  2. Click Go To, then click Terms Code Maintenance.

  3. In the Terms Code box, enter a code to identify the terms (up to three digits).

  4. In the Terms Code Type box, click on the arrow and select Normal, Proximo, or End-of-Month.

    For field help definitions, click here.

  5. In the Description box, type a description of the terms (for example, 5% Net 30th).

  6. In the Due days box, enter the following:


If Terms Code Type is



Enter the number of days after the invoice date that payment is due.


Enter the date in the following month on which payment is due (for example, enter 10 if payment is due on the 10th of the month)


Leave this field blank to accept the default of EOM. Payment will be due on the last day of the following month.

  1. In the Discount Days box, enter the following:


If Terms Code Type is



Enter the number of days from the purchase date on which discounted payment is due.


Enter the date in the following month on which discounted payment is due. For example, enter 10 if a discount is allowed through the 10th of the month.


Enter the date in the following month on which discounted payment is due.

  1. In the Discount Percent box, enter the percentage the system should use when calculating a discount.

  2. Click Add.

  1. Repeat steps 3-9 for any additional terms you want to add.

  1. (Optional) Print a list of the all the vendor's terms you have on file by running the Print Terms Code List report.