PO Season Codes Overview

PO Season Codes allow you to assign seasonality to items, so that items only appear on suggested orders (RSO) when they are in season, even when normal RSO calculations may determine the items should be ordered. PO Season Codes can have up to six start and end dates to accommodate items that are in season at various times of the year. For example, if you have certain items that are in season in both the Spring and Fall, you could set up a PO Season Code with two season date ranges, the first might be from 3/1 to 4/30, and the second from 9/15 to 11/15. You could name this PO Season Code "SF," with "Spring/Fall" as its description. You can also set up PO Season Codes for items with a single season. For example, Christmas items could be set up with a single season date range such as 11/25 to 12/24. You can have up to 49 PO Season Codes on your system.

The From/To dates you enter must stay within the same calendar year and not roll over December. For example, if you are setting up a PO Season Code for winter items whose seasonality runs from October 2006 through March 2007, you must enter this as two from/to ranges, from 10/1 to 12/31 and from 1/1 to 3/31.

Once you have set up your PO Season Codes, you assign those codes to the appropriate items in the PO Season Code field of Inventory Maintenance. Then, when you run the Suggested Order Report (RSO), the system will check for a PO Season Code for each item. If it finds one, and the RSO run date does not fall within the PO Season Code's starting and ending date(s), the item will not be ordered.

The PO Season Code feature is different from the Seasonal Sales Code field in Inventory Maintenance because PO Season Code gives you the flexibility to define date ranges as to when the season starts and stops. Seasonal Sales Code does not. The main reason you might want to use PO Season Code is that it is a store-specific field that controls when an item should be ordered on the RSO. Seasonal Sales Code, on the other hand, is a reporting/selection feature.

If you want the system to ignore PO Season Codes on a particular suggested order (RSO), you can select option I, Ignore PO Season Code, in the Other Options field of RSO.

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