Long SKUs Overview

The "Long SKU" feature allows you to have a longer SKU field of up to 30 characters in length, as well as provides you with sophisticated searching capabilities. "Long SKU" functionality is available if your system is converted to Mode 2. The terms "Mode 2" and "Long SKU" are synonymous.

In contrast to Mode 2, Mode 1 is the traditional Eagle for Windows mode, which allows for up to a 14-character SKU, and does not include the advanced searching capabilities that are unique to Mode 2. In Mode 2, the files use an internal number called a Shadow Number instead of a SKU. The Long SKUs are stored separately, and are linked to the data by the Shadow Number.

Features of "Long SKU" (Mode 2)

Mode 2 supports two sophisticated searching capabilities that are not available in Mode 1:

This lookup method is more sophisticated than the "Smart Lookup" method available in Mode 1 in several ways: 1) Smart Lookup matches on SKU first, and if not found, then and only then does it attempt to do a match on manufacture part, 2) Smart Lookup doesn’t have the option of including vendor alternate part numbers in SKU lookups, and 3)Smart Lookup is limited to POS, MPO, Inventory Maintenance, and the Inventory Viewer. In contrast, SKU lookup in Mode 2 is available not only in these functions, but anywhere the SKU field is used in a lookup, such as ITR, Item Sales History (ISH), Item Price Changes (IPC) when adding price changes, Modify Item Promotions (MIP) when adding a promotion, QuickRecall, Physical Inventory Posting (PIP), Inventory Change Log, etc.

Additional benefits of Mode 2 include:

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