Viewing Items' Purchase History

Use the Purchase History Viewer to view the purchase history of the items in your inventory.  Note:  the "Amount of Purch Hist" field in Inventory Maintenance determines the length of time your system stores purchase history for an item.  If the field in Inventory Maintenance is blank, the system uses the length of time in the "Amount of Purchase History" option in Options Configuration.

  1. Display the Inventory Maintenance window.

  2. Click GoTo, then click View Item Purchase History.

  3. In the Purchase History Viewer, click Lookup.  The View By dialog box displays.

  4. Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight a lookup method, and click OK.

You can look up by:

  1. To narrow your search, select the appropriate information in the drop-down box(es) that display.

  2. Click Refresh.  The purchase history that meets the criteria you selected displays.

  3. When you are finished viewing purchase history, click Close to close the window.


Instead of using the GoTo Menu to access the Purchase History Viewer, you can click on the Stocking tab of Inventory Maintenance.