Change Codes

Use this field in the Add Price Change dialog box to indicate the type of price change you want to enter or have the system calculate. The code you select in this field determines which fields you can access in the lower portion of the window and what the system should do with that information.

B = Enter both cost and price. Both cost and price change to what you enter.

C = Enter cost only. Only cost changes to what you enter.

G = Enter desired gross profit percent only. Only desired GP% changes.

M =  For L-type records, enter the market cost in the Cost field. The system calculates a new replacement cost (cost per stocking unit) from the market cost (cost per purchasing unit). The system then calculates a new retail price based on the new replacement cost and the desired GP% for the item (from Inventory Maintenance).  Market cost, replacement cost, and retail price change.  If you use this option, the Cost field option must be K and the Price field option must be R.

P = Enter price only. Only the price changes to what you enter. The system does not round the price change using the Price Rounding Table (PRO).

R = Enter cost only. The system uses the cost you enter and the desired gross profit percent for the item (from Inventory Maintenance) to calculate a new price. Only the price changes; the cost does NOT change.

S = Enter cost only. The system uses the cost you enter and the desired gross profit percent for the item (from Inventory Maintenance) to calculate a new price. Both the cost and price change.

The default is S.