Max Stock Level

Maximum Stock Level.

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

This field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window is the highest quantity that you want to have on hand for this item. If you enter a number, or if a number exists, this item is on a minimum/maximum ordering scheme.  Any time the quantity on hand is less than the order point, the system suggests an order of enough units (rounded to the nearest order multiple or standard package) to make the quantity on hand equal to or greater than the maximum stock level.

This field is numeric. You can enter up to five numbers, from 1 to 99999. If this item is on a minimum/maximum ordering scheme, the maximum stock level must be greater than the order point. If you run Report ROR (Restocking Order Report), the system uses this field to indicate the greatest quantity of an item you want to order at any one time.

The default is blank. This means there is no maximum stock level.