Order Indicator

Enter the code for the type of vendor you order from. Use this field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window when you only order this item from one vendor. For example, if you only order this item on a drop ship basis from the manufacturer, type D.  You can use this code to include or exclude this item on reports.

D = The manufacturing/drop ship vendor is the only vendor you order this item from.  This is the vendor in the Mfg Vend field.

W = The warehouse vendor is the only vendor you order this item from.  This is the vendor in the Prime Vend field.

S = This item is a special order item, or not ordered on a regular basis. If you use a vendor code to select items, items with this order indicator will not print on the Suggested Order Report (RSO).

T = This item is a parent SKU. This code only applies to lumber SKUs that you set up as tally items.  The system puts a T in this field when you run the Tally Report (RTL), Option S. When you run sales and item history reports, the system excludes items with this order indicator so that it does not count both the parent and component quantities.

C = This item is a component SKU. This code only applies to lumber SKUs that you set up as tally items.  The system puts a C in this field when you run the Tally Report, Option S. When you run sales and item history reports, the system counts the component's quantity, not the parent's quantity.

Blank = You order this item from more than one vendor.

The default is blank.