Purch Conv Factor

Purchase Conversion Factor.

This field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window is only for Lumber/Contractor POS users with L-Type records (Record Type field is L).

This converts the quantity purchased from stocking units to purchase units (for example, from piece to board feet). An example of a typical purchase conversion factor is one commonly referred to as a "footage factor."

 You must enter a purchase conversion factor if you do not purchase and stock an item by the same unit of measure, or by units of measure which are logically equivalent. Logically equivalent means the units of measure have a common unit of measure.

For example:  You purchase dimensional lumber by the MF (1000 board foot) and stock it by the EA (each). The units of measure (MF and EA) do not have a common unit of measure, so you must enter a purchase conversion factor.

To determine the purchase conversion factor, use Function PCF (Calculate Purchasing Conversion Factor) or follow the procedure in your Inventory Item Information Manual, the tabbed section, Setting Up Different Units of Measure.

This field is numeric. You can enter any number from .0001 to 999.9999.

This field defaults to 1.0000.