Qty On Hand

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

This field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window is the quantity on hand that is physically in the store. This field is numeric. You can enter up to seven numbers plus a decimal point. For example, 12345.67.  This field decreases when you sell the item in point-of-sale (POS). It increases when you return the item in POS.

The following applications and reports update this field:

If the quantity on hand is zero, there is zero on hand.  If the quantity on hand is negative (for example, -3),

 one or more of the following occurred:

The negative amount is equal to the amount sold over and above the amount the system thought was on hand.  If you have just installed your Epicor system, discuss your strategy for loading the quantity on hand with your Epicor Representative.