Safety Stock

Multistore:  This field is store-specific.

Use this field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window to specify the safety stock quantity for the SKU.  When you run the Order Point Report (ROP), the system adds the safety stock to the order point it calculates to determine the new order point.  For more information about how the system uses this field in the order point calculation, refer to online screen help for the Order Point Report (ROP).

You may want to use this field for SKUs in which you use one as a display. This allows you to include the safety stock amount in your quantity on hand when you run the Inventory Valuation Report (RIV).

         For example:

You want a safety stock of 1 for SKU 1234 (ceiling fan). Enter 1 in this field. When you run the Order Point Report (ROP), the system calculates an order point of 5 (4 based on the regular order point calculation, plus 1 for the safety stock).

You may also want to use this field for:

Any time you change the Safety Stock field, run the Order Point Report (ROP) to update the Order Point field.  Otherwise, the Suggested Order Report (RSO) won't use the new order point in the suggested order calculation.

This field is numeric. You can enter up to four numbers, from 0 to 9999.

The default is blank.