
This field on the Stocking tab of the Inventory Maintenance window is the weight (in stocking units, with up to two decimal places) and the unit of weight for this item. For example, if this item weighs five pounds, type 5 in the first space, and select LB from the drop-down list in the second space.

If the vendor has a minimum weight per order requirement, enter the weight. It prints on purchase orders.  The first space (weight) is numeric. You can enter up to five numbers plus a decimal. The second space (unit of weight) is an alpha field. You can enter up to two letters.  

This field is a hyperlink, which means you can click on it to display the related function. Thus, if you need to add, change, or delete a unit of weight, simply click  and the Unit of Weight Maintenance window automatically displays.

The default for this field is LB (pound).