
Multistore:  This field is store-specific.

This field is on the Pricing tab of Inventory Maintenance. The system uses the conversions to correctly display and update pricing, quantity, and sales information.

If this item has a Lumber Type of 1, 2, 3, or 4, the system enters the pricing and alternate conversions for you. If this item has a Lumber Type of 0, you must enter the pricing and alternate conversions.  The system needs the pricing conversion to correctly display the price and quantity in POS.

For example:  You stock and sell rope by the roll, and price it by the foot.  The system uses the pricing conversion to convert the price per roll to the price per foot.  Without the correct pricing conversion, the system displays incorrect prices and quantities in POS.

To calculate the pricing conversion, ask yourself, "How many pricing units are in a stocking unit?"  The system needs the alternate conversion to correctly update pricing, quantity on hand, and sales history information. Since quantity on hand and sales history are both in stocking units, the system must convert what you sell to stocking units before it can update either.

For example:  You stock 2x4x8 redwood by the piece, and price it by the lineal foot. You set up the alternate unit so you can also sell it by the lineal foot. When you sell eight lineal feet of the redwood, the system must convert it to "each," so it can correctly update quantity on hand and sales history.  To calculate the alternate conversion, ask yourself, "How many alternate units are in a stocking unit?"

Multistore users only:  If the Keep Prices the Same in All Stores field in Options Configuration (or Function MIC) is Y, conversion is master data.  If the field is N, conversion is store-specific data.

This field is numeric. You can enter up to seven numbers plus a decimal point. For example, 123.4567.