Price 3

Multistore users only:  If the Keep Prices the Same in All Stores field in Options Configuration (or Function MIC) is Y, Price 3 is master data.  If the field is N, Price 3 is store-specific data.

This field on the Pricing tab of Inventory Maintenance is matrix price 3 from the Price Matrix Maintenance window (MPM).  If you use the price matrix, customers whose Std Sell Price in Customer Maintenance is 3 pay this price for this item.

If matrix price 3 in the Price Matrix Maintenance window is *, then you must enter the matrix price.

This field is numeric. You can enter up to seven numbers plus a decimal point. For example, 1234.567.

The default is the retail price.


Lumber users only:  The system enters Price 3 in stocking and alternate units for you.