
Multistore:  This field is store-specific.

This field on the Pricing tab of Inventory Maintenance is the unit of measure by which you price and sell an item.

If this is an H-type record (Record Type field is H), the pricing unit must be the same as the stocking and selling units.  If this is an L-type record (Record Type field is L), the units of measure can be different.

Pricing = The unit of measure you use when you quote a price to a customer.

Stk = Stocking. The unit of measure by which you stock this item. This comes from the Stocking tab.

Alt = Alternate. A unit of measure you can use to provide flexibility in your pricing scheme.  For example:  If you want to price an item for some of your customers in MF, for others in PC (piece), and for others in LF, you can use the alternate unit to give you the third price.

This is an alpha field. You can enter up to two letters. The unit of measure you enter must exist in the Units of Measure window (MUM) (accessible from the GoTo menu of Inventory Maintenance).