Max Units per Transaction

This field is on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance. Click the Additional Codes Flags hyperlink to access this field. This field defaults to blank, which indicates there is no maximum.  Otherwise, enter a value of 1 to 99999 to indicate the maximum quantity of this item that may be sold on a POS transaction. Security bit 975 “(MO) Allow selling items beyond Max Units per Transaction” controls if the clerk can sell more than the specified maximum quantity.  

When an item with a non-blank Max Units per Transaction is sold in POS, the system checks for all instances of that item on the transaction summing up the posted quantity. If the total quantity of that item on that transaction exceeds the Max Units per Transaction and security bit 975 is set to No for a clerk, a manager override is required. If no manager override is obtained, the item clears from the posting area.

The system checks for maximum units both when adding an item, as well as changing an item, except on transactions whose source is iNet. If the total quantity exceeds the Max Units per Transaction and security bit 975 is Yes, a warning displays. Answering Yes posts the item for the quantity entered, and answering No clears the item from the posting area.

You cannot enter a fractional quantity in the Max Units per Transaction field; however, the clerk may post items with fractional quantities and the total will be correctly compared to the max units allowed.