Price Rounding

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

This field on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance determines how the system rounds retail prices when it calculates them.  The system looks at this field when you change an item's cost or desired gross profit percent in the following applications and reports:

1 = Use the price rounding table.  Note:  This field is a hyperlink, which means you can click on it to display the related function.  Thus, if you need to add, or change the price rounding table, simply click   and the Price Rounding table automatically displays.

2 = Carry the price out to the nearest cent (two decimal places).  Do not use the price rounding table.

3 = Carry the price out to the nearest tenth of a cent (three decimal places). Do not use the price rounding table.

 4 = Use True Value variable pricing.

 The default is 1.