Product Code

Multistore:  If the "Keep MPM the Same in All Stores" option in Options Configuration (or Function MIC) is Y, Product Code is master data.  If the field is N, Product Code is store-specific data.

The system uses this code on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance to calculate matrix prices.  The product code you enter must exist in the Price Matrix Maintenance window (MPM).

If you leave this field blank, the system does not calculate matrix prices for this item.

This field is a hyperlink, which means you can click on it to display the related function.  Thus, if you need to add, change, or delete a product code, simply click  and the Product Code Maintenance window automatically displays.

If you change the product code, the system recalculates the matrix prices that are a discount off retail. To recalculate the matrix prices that are a markup from cost, use the Price Change Report (RPC).

This field is numeric. You can enter a number from 2 to 999.