Fee Type

This field is on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance. Click the Additional Codes Flags hyperlink to access this field. Use this field if a non-merchandise category (Freight, Labor, Miscellaneous, or Environmental Fees) has a special tax status.

Use this field to indicate that an inventory item has an Environmental Fee or an Excise Tax associated with it.

Environmental Fee – Select Environmental Fee if an item has environmental fees, which are taxable or non-taxable based upon the tax jurisdiction, that must be assessed whenever the item is sold. The rest of the setup for environmental fees is done in the Tax Maintenance window; click the "Include in Taxable Amount" hyperlink to define if the fee is taxable or non-taxable for a particular tax code.

Excise Tax – Select Excise Tax if an item has special taxes that must be assessed whenever the item is sold. Important: you must have a custom Enhanced Form (created by Epicor) in order to print a total of all excise tax fees at the bottom of the invoice.