Tax Code

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

This field on the Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance is only available for users in Canada and certain states.  To determine whether this field is available in your state, talk to you Implementation Specialist or Personal Trainer.

This field represents the tax code from Tax File Maintenance (MTX) for this item.  Use this field to assign a specific tax plan to an item.

Canadian users only:  This will usually be a composite tax code.  However, you can enter a regular tax code or a composite tax code.

This field is alphanumeric. You can enter up to three numbers and letters. The tax code you enter must exist in Tax Code Maintenance (MTX).  If the Tax Status field in Inventory Maintenance is N, you can't enter a tax code.

If this item has a tax code, this is the only tax assessed on the item.