Month/Yr Fields

Multistore:  these fields are store-specific.

These fields on the History tab of Inventory Maintenance contain the quantity sold (in stocking units) for each month, starting with this month and going back to this month last year.

(note:  If Function MDT is set up to show "periods" instead of month/year, these fields display as Period 2, 3, 4, etc.)

A plus sign (+) displays next to this field if:



This means that the unit sales or this period do not include the promotion units. The total actual units sold is higher than what displays in this field.

An asterisk (*) displays next to this field if the Count Promo  Sales field is Y and the Keep Promo History is Y. This means that the unit sales quantity for this period includes some promotion units.

You can view the actual number of promotion units by displaying the item in Function ISH.