Year to Date Promo Units

Year to Date Promotion Sales Units.

Multistore: This field is store-specific.

This field on the History tab of Inventory Maintenance is the quantity you sold (in stocking units) on promotion so far this fiscal year. The system keeps track of fractional quantities (up to two decimal places). This is useful if you sell fractions of a quantity, or if you use multiple units of measure and the stocking unit of measure is larger than the selling unit of measure.

For example:You stock an item by the box.  You sell it by the each, and there are 10 per box (one each = .1 box).

The fractions do not display on the screen. However, you can view and print the quantity (including the fraction) with  ReQuest.  If the fractional portion of the quantity equals 1, the system adds the fractional portion to the whole portion of the quantity and updates the quantity on the screen.

For example: The YTD promo sales units for a SKU is 10.9, and the quantity that displays is 10. You sell .1 of the SKU. When the system updates the YTD promo sales units, it changes the units  to 11.

The system does not roll (shift information from one period to another) the fractional portion of the sales history unless it equals 1.

For example: The YTD promo sales units quantity for a SKU is 8.7, and the quantity that displays is 8. When you run your year-end reports, the system moves the 8 into Last Year Promo Units and keeps the .7 in the YTD promo sales. (Remember, the .7 does not display on the screen.)

POS updates this field.  The Tally Cross Reference Report (RTL), Option F updates this field for parent tally SKUs.

Tip:  For a list of promotions which included a particular item, display the item and then click .  The Promotional History Viewer automatically displays the promotions that contained the item.