Prime Vend

Primary Vendor.

This field in Inventory Maintenance is the code of the supplier you usually buy this item from.  For example:  If you usually buy the item from McGregor (and the vendor code for McGregor is MCGRE), type MCGRE.  If you want to be able to print this item on a report using the primary vendor printing sequence, you must select a vendor code by choosing one from the drop-down list.

If you always buy this item from the manufacturer, leave this field blank. (Use the Mfg Vend field instead.)

This field is a hyperlink, which means you can click on it to display the related function.  Thus, if you need to add, change, or delete a primary vendor, simply click   and the Vendor Maintenance window automatically displays.

This field is alphanumeric. You can enter up to five numbers and letters.

Multistore users only:  This field is master data.