Selling Items with Alternate Tender


Selling Items with Alternate Tender


Use this procedure to accept an alternate form of payment from a customer during a sale transaction. For example, the customer is paying for their purchase with a gift certificate, store credit, or some other non-standard form of payment (any form of payment other than cash, check, bankcard, or house charge) that you have set up as an Alternate Tender type.  

You can accept up to four different payment types, including cash, check, bankcard, charge, and any of the Alternate Tender types you have set up.

You must first set up Alternate Tender types in the Options Configuration window. For more information about setting up Alternate Tender types, click here.

A QuickTip video about using alternate tenders is available. To view this QuickTip, go to, and click Training Browser. When the Training Browser displays, click Videos in the left pane, click Quick Tips, and click the POS icon.

Selling Items with Alternate Tender

  1. After ringing up items in Point-of-Sale, press Total.

  2. Click Alt Tend (F2). The Additional Tender Selection dialog displays.

  3. Select the appropriate alternate tender type, enter the dollar amount of the alternate tender and press ENTER.

  4. If the customer is using additional types of alternate tender, repeat steps 2-3 until all alternate tenders have been entered.

  5. Enter any additional tender amounts on the standard totals screen (Cash, Check, Bankcard, Charge), and finish the transaction.
