Break Position

This field is used only if you selected Print Sequence 5 (user-defined).

Use this field to specify when to print subtotals or start printing on a new page.

If Print Subtotals or Start New Page is Y and Every Change is N, this field is required.

The number you enter identifies the position which determines when to print subtotals or start printing on a new page.  Break positions are numbered from right to left.

For example:  The SKU 2x6x14DFS4STR has 13 characters.  The T is in position 2.  The 6 is in position 11.  The 2 is in position 13.

Here is an example of how Break Position works:

You type 21 (Location Code) at Field #.  You want subtotals to print when the location code changes.  You also want the system to start printing on a new page when the second position (from the right) of the location code changes.  At Print Subtotals, type Y.  At Start New Page, type Y.  At Every Change, type N.  At Break Position, type 2.  When the second position of the Location Code changes, subtotals print.  At the top of the next page, the system continues to print.  For example:

You're printing items in locations 10 through 29.  The report prints items for location codes 10 through 19, and then prints subtotals.  The report starts a new page (because the second position of the location code changed), prints items in locations 20 through 29, and prints subtotals.

This field is numeric.  You can enter a number from 1 to the maximum length of the field.  For example, if the Field # is 35 (Special Record), then the only number you can enter is 1. Special Record is only one character long.

The system does not ignore blank spaces in the User Codes and Location Code fields.  It recognizes that a user code of _SA_ is different from a user code of __SA.  You cannot specify a break position to the right of a decimal point.  For example, you choose a printing sequence of Retail Price (Field # is 48). You can specify only whole dollar break positions, not ten cent or penny break positions.  This means that the first digit to the left of the decimal point is position 1.