Fax Priority

(Fax users only)

This field, which appears on the page of many report screens, is the priority the system assigns to the fax you are sending.  Higher priority faxes are sent before lower priority faxes.

H = High priority fax.  If the initial attempt fails, the system will attempt to send the fax three more times in five minute intervals, for a total of four attempts.

M = Medium priority fax.  If the initial attempt fails, the system will attempt to send the fax two more times in five minute intervals, then three more times at 30 minute intervals, then ten more times at 120 minute intervals, for a total of 16 attempts.

L = Low priority fax.  If the initial attempt fails, the system will attempt to send the fax two more times in five minute intervals, then seven more times at 100 minute intervals, for a total of ten attempts.