Code Selection

Use these fields on the RLA or RBL report to indicate the type of code(s) you are including or excluding from the report.

Use this field and the Exclude? field to limit the items that are selected for printing. The codes are all fields in Inventory Maintenance.

To use the codes to limit the items that are selected, type the code in the appropriate position. Then use the Exclude? field to specify whether you want to include or exclude items with that code.

           For example:

You don't want to print labels for items with a D in the second position of the User Code field. First, type a D in the second position of the User field. Then type Y over the second N in the Exclude? field. When you run the report, the system does not print labels for items with this user code.

You want to print labels only for items with a popularity code of A. Type A in the Popularity field. When you run the report, the system prints labels only for items with a popularity code of A.