Use this field to indicate the price to print on the price label.
Note: If the Print Labels field in Inventory Maintenance is Q or Z, no price prints on the label (unless you enter Y in the Include Q and Z Labels field).
If the File to Use field is Price Change File, Purchasing File, or Transfer File, the options available are
L = List price.
R = Retail price.
1 = Matrix price 1.
2 = Matrix price 2.
3 = Matrix price 3.
4 = Matrix price 4.
5 = Matrix price 5.
blank = Do not print a price. If the File to Use field is the Inventory File, the options available are
L = List price.
P = Promotion price.
R = Retail price.
1 = Matrix price 1.
2 = Matrix price 2.
3 = Matrix price 3.
4 = Matrix price 4.
5 = Matrix price 5.
blank = Do not print a price.
The default is R (Retail).