Print Sequence

Use this field to specify the order in which the information prints.  

The default is 1.

 If the Options field is A or B, the following print sequences are available:

1 = Print the information by department. Within each department, print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.

Multistore users:

2 = Print the information by primary vendor. Within each vendor, print the information by department.   Within each department, print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.  If the primary vendor for an item is blank (in Inventory Maintenance), the item is not included in the report.

Multistore users:

3 = Print the information by manufacturer. Within each manufacturer, print the information by department.  Within each department, print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.     If the manufacturer vendor for an item is blank (in Inventory Maintenance), the item is not included in the report.

Multistore users:  

 4 = Print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.  Multistore users:  If you leave the Store field blank or enter a C in the Store field, the information prints by class. Within each class, the information prints by sequence number and store.  Totals print for each store and all stores combined.

If the Options field is not A or B, the following print sequences are available:

1 = Print the information by store. Within each store, print the information by primary vendor. Within each primary vendor, print the information by catalog page.  Within each catalog page, print the information by sequence number.  If you run the report for only one store, the system still prints the information in the same order.

2 = Print the information by store. Within each store, print the information by manufacturer. Within each manufacturer, print the information by sequence number.  If you run the report for only one store, the system still prints the information in the same order.

 3 = Print the information by store. Within each store, print the information by location. Within each location, print the information by sequence number.  If you run the report for only one store, the system still prints the information in the same order.

4 = Print the information by store. Within each store, print the information by department. Within each department, print the information by location. Within each location, print the information by sequence number.  If you run the report for only one store, the system still prints the information in the same order.