
Click the box to the left of the options you want to use when running the Update Promotion Price report (RUP).

E = Print items to become active. This option prints a list of all items with a Start Date of today (or earlier) or tomorrow that do not already have a promotion price in Inventory Maintenance, the Pricing tab.  If you use this option with Option F:

F = This option updates the promotion price in the Promo Price field in Inventory Maintenance, the Pricing tab.  This field will show a P if the item is on a regular promotion, or an L if the item is on a loyalty promotion. If the item is on both a regular and loyalty promotion, it will show P.

Items can be placed on or taken off promotion based on your From/To range and the Start Date and End Date of the item's Promotion Type.

When an item is taken off promotion, the record is deleted from Modify Item Promotion (MIP).

If you want a history report of the promotion, you must run the Promotion Item Report (RPM) before running RUP with Option F.

G = Finalize (activate only) a single promotion. Option G cannot be used with option F and must be run for one, and only one, promo type. Option G activates a single promotion with a start date of today or earlier (not tomorrow as option F does). Option G will not deactivate a promotion. The purpose of this option is to activate a one-day promotion on the day of the promo, or if you need to add items to an already-active promotion. Unlike option F, option G doesn't deactivate and delete items on a promotion set to end today. Option G can be used with Y “Update IMU with the lowest promo price” to check if any of the items being activated are on another active, overlapping promotion and if so, places the lower promotion price as the item’s promotion price in Inventory Maintenance (IMU).

P = Print items to take off promotion. This option prints a list of all items with an End Date of today or earlier that have a promotion price in Inventory Maintenance, the Pricing tab.

If you use this option with Option F:

U = Update the price as an every day low price (not a promo price). When you run Report RUP, the system updates the Promo Sales Code in Inventory Maintenance, the Codes tab, with an E (instead of a P).  

If you use Option U, you must fill in the From/To Promo Type field with one promotion type. Option U must be run with Option F.

V = Set Promo Price to List if Promo is less than List. If the Promotion Price in Modify Item Promotions (MIP) is less than the item’s List Price, RUP updates the Promotion Price in Inventory Maintenance with the value in List, and also changes the MIP record's Promotion Price to the value in List. This option was designed to comply with Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) restrictions, whereby the retailer is not allowed to advertise a price that is less than the vendor’s MAP price for certain product lines.

Note: You should also use Bin Label Report (RBL) Print Option A “Set promo price to list if promo is less than list" when starting a promotion that must comply with MAP standards.

Y = Update the item with the lowest promotion price available. When you run Promotion Item Update Report (RUP), the system looks at Modify Item Promotion (MIP) for all the promotions within the from/to range you specified.

If an item is on more than one promotion, the lowest promotion price is activated.

Option Y must be run with Option F.

blank = Do not use any of the previous options.

The default is blank.