Max Stock Level

Maximum Stock Level.

This field in the Order Point Report (ROP) applies only if you use a min-max ordering system on any of your items. A min-max ordering system uses the Order Point field and the Maximum Stock Level field in Inventory Maintenance to determine order quantities.

Use this field to specify how an item's Maximum Stock Level field in Inventory Maintenance, the Stocking tab, changes when its order point changes.

A = Adjust the maximum stock level by the same percentage as the order point changed.

For example:  An item's order point is 10 and its maximum stock level is 20. You run the Order Point Calculation report, and the order point increases by 20% (to 12).  The maximum stock level also increases by 20% (to 24).

If you don't use the min-max ordering system, leave the A in this field.

B = Adjust the maximum stock level by the same number of units as the order point changed.

For example:  An item's order point is 10 and its maximum stock level is 20. You run Report ROP, and the order point ncreases by 3 (to 13). The maximum stock level also increases by 3 (to 23).

C = Do not change the maximum stock level.

For example:  An item's order point is 10 and its maximum stock level is 20. You run Report ROP, and the order point increases to 12. The maximum stock level remains at 20.

Option 8859 "ROP Max Stock Level (Opt C) behavior when calc'd OP > Max" affects how option C works on the ROP report.

  The default is A.