Print Sequence

Printing Sequence. Use this field in the Order Point Report (ROP) to specify the order in which the information prints. The default is 1.

1 = Print the information by department.  Within each department, print the information by class.  Within each class, print the information by sequence number.  

For example:  You're printing a report for departments 1 through 2. The information prints in the following order:

     Department 1

        Class 100

          Sequence #1010

          Sequence #1050

        Class 200

          Sequence #1030

     Department 2

        Class 100

          Sequence #1000

          Sequence #4110


Multistore:  If you leave the Store field blank, the information prints by store. Within each store, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by class. Within each class, the information prints by sequence number.


For example:


Store 1

          Department 1

             Class 100

                Sequence #1010

                Sequence #1500

          Department 2

             Class 200

                Sequence #2050

          Store 2

                    Department 1

                       Class 100

                          Sequence #1010

                          Sequence #1500

                    Department 2

                       Class 200

                           Sequence #2050

Totals print for each store and for all stores combined.

If you enter a C in the Store field, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by class. Within each class, the information prints by sequence number and store.

For example:

       Department 1

         Class 100

           Sequence #100-store 1

           Sequence #100-store 2

           Sequence #105-store 1

           Sequence #105-store 2

          Class 200

            Sequence #103-store 1

            Sequence #103-store 2

       Department 2

          Class 100

            Sequence #200-store 1

            Sequence #200-store 2


2 = Print the information by primary vendor. Within each vendor, print the nformation by department.  Within each department, print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.

For example:  You're printing a report for primary vendors AAA through BBB. The information prints in the following order:

     Vendor AAA

        Department 2

           Class 200

              Sequence #2010

              Sequence #2020

           Class 400

              Sequence #4120

        Department 5

           Class 310

              Sequence #4010

           Class 400

              Sequence #7050

     Vendor BBB

        Department 2

           Class 200

              Sequence #2080

              Sequence #2550

        Department 6

           Class 200

              Sequence #2040

           Class 300

              Sequence #3150

              Sequence #6060


If the primary vendor for an item is blank (in Inventory Maintenance), the item is not included on the report.

 Multistore:  If you leave the Store field blank, the information prints by store. Within each store, the information prints by primary vendor. Within each primary vendor, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by class. Within each class, information prints by sequence number.

For example:

       Store 1

          Vendor AAA

             Department 1

                Class 100

                   Sequence #1010

                   Sequence #1500

             Department 2

                Class 200

                   Sequence #2050

          Vendor BBB

             Department 1

                Class 100

                   Sequence #1020

       Store 2

          Vendor AAA

             Department 1

                Class 100

                   Sequence #1010

                   Sequence #1500

             Department 2

                Class 200

                   Sequence #2050

          Vendor BBB

             Department 1

                Class 100

                   Sequence #1020


Totals print for each store and for all stores combined.


If you enter a C in the Store field, the information prints by primary vendor. Within each primary vendor, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by class. Within each class, the information prints by sequence number and store.


For example:


       Vendor AAA

          Department 1

            Class 100

              Seq #100-store 1

              Seq #100-store 2

              Seq #105-store 1

              Seq #105-store 2

            Class 200

              Seq #103-store 1

              Seq #103-store 2

          Department 2

            Class 100

              Seq #200-store 1

              Seq #200-store 2

       Vendor BBB

          Department 1

            Class 110

              Seq #150-store 1

              Seq #150-store 2


3 = Print the information by manufacturer. Within each manufacturer, print the information by department.  Within each department, print the information by sequence number.

For example:  You're printing a report for manufacturers EEE through GGG. The information prints in the following order:

     Manufacturer EEE

        Department 4

           Sequence #4010

           Sequence #4260

        Department 7

           Sequence #7777

     Manufacturer FFF

        Department 4

           Sequence #4040

     Manufacturer GGG

        Department 7

           Sequence #7110

        Department 8

           Sequence #8010

           Sequence #8550


If the manufacturer for an item is blank (in Inventory Maintenance), it is not included on the report.


Multistore:If you leave the Store field blank, the information prints by store. Within each store, the information prints by manufacturer. Within each manufacturer, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by sequence number.  

For example:


       Store 1

          Manufacturer EEE

             Department 1

                Sequence #1010

                Sequence #1500

             Department 2

                Sequence #2050

          Manufacturer FFF

             Department 1

                Sequence #1020

       Store 2

          Manufacturer EEE

             Department 1

                Sequence #1010

                Sequence #1500

             Department 2

                Sequence #2050

          Manufacturer FFF

             Department 1

                Sequence #1020


Totals print for each store and for all stores combined.

If you enter a C in the Store field, the information prints by manufacturer. Within each manufacturer, the information prints by department. Within each department, the information prints by sequence number and store.

For example:


       Manufacturer EEE

          Department 1

             Seq #100-store 1

             Seq #100-store 2

             Seq #105-store 1

             Seq #105-store 2

          Department 2

             Seq #200-store 1

             Seq #200-store 2

       Manufacturer FFF

          Department 1

             Seq #150-store 1

             Seq #150-store 2

 4 = Print the information by class. Within each class, print the information by sequence number.   

For example:  You're printing a report for classes 100 through 300. The information prints in the following order:

     Class 100

        Sequence #1100

        Sequence #4670

     Class 200

        Sequence #1004

        Sequence #2030

     Class 300

        Sequence #2020

        Sequence #3100


Multistore:  If you leave the Store field blank or enter a C in the Store field, the information prints by class. Within each class, the information prints by sequence number and store.


For example:


     Class 100

        Sequence #1100-store 1

        Sequence #1100-store 2

        Sequence #1140-store 1

        Sequence #1140-store 2

     Class 200

        Sequence #1004-store 1

        Sequence #2030-store 2


Totals print for each store and for all stores combined.


5 = Print the information in the sequence you define.  If you use this option, you must fill in the page.


6 = Print the information for the items in an Item List you select. If you use this choice, you must select the Item List from the drop-down list on the From/To page of the report.