
This in the Order Point Report (ROP) is the number of weeks in the period. The system uses this field to determine the quantity sold per week. The system determines the number of weeks by looking at your fiscal year in Function MDT (Modify Date Table). The weeks for the current month represent where you are in the current month.

        For example:

Today is 7/25/01. This is 3.57 weeks into the current period (7/1/01 to 7/31/01).

The system fills in the number of weeks for each period except the following:

If you want to use Period 13's sales history in the order point calculation, you must enter the number of weeks in Period 13.

 If you want to use To Date sales in the order point calculation, you must enter the number of weeks "to date." This should represent the number of weeks since the last time you cleared the To Date field in Inventory Maintenance.

This field is numeric. You can enter up to five numbers plus a decimal. For example, 123.45.