Use this field to specify what prints on the Purchase Order Format Report (RPO). You must choose at least one of the following options: A, B, D, I, M, or V. You can't leave this field blank.
A = Print the alternate part number. You can't use this option with Option I. Any changes you make to Function MAP (Modify Alternate Part Number) do not affect existing POs.
For example: SKU 13579 is on PO #20. It doesn't have an alternate part number. You add an alternate part number for it in Modify Alternate Part Number (MAP). Then you run the Print/Fax Purchase Orders report (RPO) with Option A. Since you added the alternate part number after you added the SKU to the PO, the system doesn't print the alternate part number for SKU 13579.
B = Print the SKU and alternate part number.
C = Combine the quantities of the same item into one quantity. This combines the quantities only on the report. It does not combine the quantities in the Purchasing and Receiving window. Make sure you resequence the PO by SKU or manufacturer part number first. If you don't resequence the PO, the system won't combine the quantities. Multistore users: the Items for Store field must be blank to use this option.
D = Print the description. The description comes from the item's description on the PO (Function MPO, Screen D)
I = Print the SKU number. You can't use this option with Option A.
L = Do not print the line number or store number.
M = Print the Mfg #/Spcl field (Function MPO, Screen D). If you entered something in the Mfg #/Spcl field, it prints, even if the item has a manufacturer part number in Inventory Maintenance. This field comes from the posting screen of the Purchasing and Receiving window. If you didn't enter something in the Mfg #/Spcl field, but the item has a manufacturer part number, it prints. This comes from Inventory Maintenance, the Stocking screen. You can't use this option with Option V.
O = Special order number. This applies only to POs you created (with Function GPO-Generate Purchase Orders from Special Orders) from POS special orders. When you select this option, the document number for the customer’s special order prints below that item on the purchase order.
P = Special Order customer information prints the customer number, customer’s name, and customer’s phone number below the special order item on the purchase order. You must select both Option O and P if you want to print all four pieces of information (order number, customer number, customer name, and customer phone number).
R = Print the retail price. The retail price comes from the posting screen of Purchasing and Receiving.
S = Print the stocking unit of measure. This prints in addition to the purchasing unit of measure. This prints only if the stocking and purchasing units of measure are different.
U = If the item has a UPC on file, print an asterisk (*) to the left of the item number.
V = Print the vendor stock number. Use this option if you are ordering from the secondary vendor. You can't use this option with Option M.
W = Print the extended weight (in pounds). This option is useful if the vendor has a minimum weight requirement, and you need to print it on the PO.
Y = Print Item Attributes (only displays if option 1052 is set to Yes). This option prints item attributes like size and color, and any comments associated with those attributes.
Z = Print the cost and extended cost. This option is useful if the vendor has a minimum dollar requirement, and you need to print it on the PO.
2 = Print primary UPC as a barcode. The barcode prints on a 2nd detail line. Note: The primary UPC is the first UPC flagged as Primary, and if no Primary UPC exists the most recently used UPC will print.