Print Loading Receipt

(ID# 160) This POS option in Options Configuration determines if a loading receipt prints at POS. A loading receipt is a duplicate receipt that prints with the message, ***Loading Ticket***, at the top of the receipt.

L = Print loading receipt with only items designated as loading receipt items.

For example:You stock bagged items (such as fertilizer) in the yard. When a transaction includes a yard item, a loading receipt prints for just the items that need to be loaded. The customer takes the receipt to the yard clerk. The clerk takes the receipt and fills the order.

N = Do not print loading receipt.

Y = If any of the items on the transaction are designated as loading receipt items, print all items on the loading receipt.

For example:You stock bagged items (such as fertilizer) in the yard. When a transaction includes a yard item, a loading receipt prints for all items on the transaction. The customer takes the receipt to the yard clerk. The clerk takes the receipt and fills the order.