Assign PO Numbers Automatically?

(ID# 100) This Purchasing option in Options Configuration determines whether the system assigns purchase order numbers for this store.

L = Allow the system to assign a number to each purchase order, and use the store number as the last digit in the PO number. For multistore users, this provides an easy way to identify where the PO was created. For example, you have two stores. If you create a PO in store 1, the last digit of the PO number is 1. If you create a PO in store 2, the last digit of the PO number is 2. If option 8701 (Store number format) is set to B through H, the store representation occupies 3 digit positions. Thus, for store 87, if the next PO number was 4203, the auto-assigned next PO number would be 0004203087. If this PO number was in store 103 it would be 0004203103.

N = Do not allow the system to assign a number to each purchase order (you must assign the number).

S = Allow the system to assign a number to each purchase order, and use the store number as the first digit in the PO number. You can still assign your own PO number. For multistore users, this provides an easy way to identify where the PO was created.

For example:

You have two stores. If you create a PO in store 1, the first digit of the PO number is 1. If you create a PO in store 2, the first digit of the PO number is 2.

Y = Allow the system to assign a number to each purchase order. You can still assign your own PO number.

This field is required.