Laser PO and Receiver format for L (lumber) type skus

(ID #8885) This Purchasing option in Options Configuration governs the unit of measure in which the Order Quantity and Unit Cost columns print on the Laser PO and Laser Receiver for L-type (lumber) records. This option does not affect H-type (hardware) records.

When this option is set to 1, both the Ord Qty and Unit Cost columns print in purchasing units when the Receiving Report (RPO) is run without Print Option S "Stocking Units," or they print in stocking units when RPO is run with Print Option S. When the Receiving Report (RRP) is run, the Unit Cost column shows in stocking units. All of the above applies to both L-type and H-type records.

When this option is set to 2, L-type records show the Ord Qty in stocking units, formatted as 99999/UM where UM is the stocking unit of measure, and the Unit Cost column shows in purchasing units when RPO is run without Print Option S "Stocking Units. L-type records show the Ord Qty and Unit Cost columns in stocking units when the RPO is run with Print Option S "Stocking Units." H-type records show the Ord Qty and Unit Cost columns depending upon whether or not Print Option S "Stocking Units" is selected. L-type records show the Unit Cost column in purchasing units when the RRP is run. H -type records show the Unit Cost column in stocking units.