Use High-Capacity Grid in Viewers?

(ID# 8125) Use this System option in Options Configuration to specify whether or not you want to use the High-Capacity grid in the various Eagle for Windows viewers.

This option does not apply to Eagle N Series, where all viewers and grids always have the "high capacity" behavior.

To start using the High-Capacity Grid, set this option to A or D.

The High-Capacity Grid can only be used on PCs running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above. The High-Capacity grid offers:

The High-Capacity grid has some limitations. Click here for details.

If you set this option to A –"Always use High-Capacity grid,” the High-Capacity grid will be used in all viewers. If you set this option set to D –"Default to Standard but allow the user to select High-Capacity,” the Standard grid will be used by default in all viewers, but you will have the option to switch to the High-Capacity grid. Switching to High-Capacity can be done in two ways: 1) After launching the viewer, right-click in any column and select Control Panel -> Grid -> High-Capacity, or 2) If you save a view (File -> Save View) while using the High-Capacity grid and this view is used to load the grid at a later time, it will automatically switch to the High-Capacity mode. If you save the default view while in High-Capacity mode, the viewer will automatically launch in High-Capacity mode.

If you set this option to F–"Force using the Standard grid,” the High-Capacity grid is disabled and you cannot select it (the Standard grid will be used in all viewers).