Set Up Telecommunications Options

Use the following procedure to set up the options in Options Configuration that govern how Telecommunications works. First you'll set up an option that tells your Eagle system which coop you belong to (Ace, Do it Best, True Value, etc.). Then, you'll determine if you want to use any or all of the available telecommunications features, such as:

Some telecommunications options only apply to a particular vendor. If so, this is indicated in the options' description.

Setting Up Telecommunications Options

  1.   Display the Options Configuration window.

  2. Click on the toolbar. In the dialog that displays, enter 81 if you're a True Value member, 86 if you're an Ace dealer, or 88 if you're a Do it Best member. Then click OK.

  3. In the "XX Telecomm on System" option that displays (where XX is the name of your coop), click in the Current Value column, type a Y, and click Change on the toobar.

You will now proceed to set up other telecommunications options that are not coop-specific.

  1. At Subsystem, select TELECOMM (Telecommunications), and at Options, select All Options. Click Display.

  1. For each option in the grid, click in the Current Value column, click the arrow that displays, select your response, and press ENTER.

For a definition of each option in the grid, click here.

  1. When finished entering your selections, click Change on the toolbar.

  2. Multistore: Click in the Store box, enter the next store number, press Enter, and repeat steps 5 and 6. Keep in mind that if you change any fields kept "By System" (indicated in the upper right corner of the window), those changes will affect all stores.

  1. If you set up the two "price protect" options, and/or the two "margin exception" options, then on the appropriate items in Inventory Maintenance, in the User Code field, enter the designated User Code in the designated position so that these options can take effect the next time you run ERP or EFM.