Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer Overview

(System Audit and Reporting Tools users only)

The Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer stores a record of every change made in Eagle for Windows Inventory Maintenance, including any items added, changed, or deleted (with a couple exceptions: changes made in the Notes tab of Inventory Maintenance, or changes made with the Misc menu option "Change ROP Protect").

Changes made in legacy IMU are not recorded in the Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer.

The Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer also stores a record of items added from the Catalog (legacy and Eagle for Windows versions), whenever item numbers are changed or combined in the Change Item Number screen (RCIN) (legacy and Eagle for Windows versions), and adds/changes made by a finalized RFL (so that Electronic File Maintenance (EFM) adds/updates will be logged). When item information is changed, one change record is generated for each field changed. For example, if you change both an item's location and description, two change records are generated— one for location, another for description.

To review the Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer, use the Go To menu in Inventory Maintenance to access it. You can choose to view a particular item's change records, or you can view all items for a range of dates. When viewing by date, you can view all changes, or you can limit what displays: you can view only changes to a particular field, only items added, or only items deleted. For example, you can view all items that have been deleted in the last month. The Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer will show each item that was deleted, when it was deleted, and who deleted it. You can even view a snapshot of how the item looked before the first change was recorded by double-clicking on "Starting Detail" in the Viewer.

Alternate vendor changes can be accessed while using the Inventory Maintenance Changes Viewer. Please refer to 'Related Topics' below and click on 'Using the Alternate Vendor Changes Viewer' to learn how to use this tool.

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