Transfers-In Overview

In ITR (Inventory Transaction Register), records are added for transfer transactions. You can set up your system to include "Transfers-In" when calculating order points. When you run the Order Point Report (ROP), the transfer quantity will not be factored into the order point calculation for the SKU in the To-store.

Review the following example to see how it works when you set up your system to include Transfers-In in order point calculation. Assume there is sales history in Inventory Maintenance for the SKU used in the example, the same sales amounts in both Store 1 and Store W.

As illustrated by the example, if you set up your system to include Transfers-In when calculating order points, then your order points in the To-store are not inflated due to Transfers-In quantities.

If you use this feature, run the ROP report after the transfer transaction is complete (Status C) and the item has been sold at POS (invoiced).

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