Andersen - Use Andersen SKU

(ID# 5218) This Andersen option in Options Configuration determines whether the system will use Andersen SKUs or generic SKUs when it creates an Andersen order.

Yes =  The system will post Andersen SKU numbers that exist in your inventory when it creates an Andersen order.  Set this option to Yes only if you have Andersen items loaded into your inventory file.  Note:  any items not in your inventory will post with the appropriate default (generic) SKU you set up in Inventory Maintenance and defined in the Andersen Default SKU fields in Options Configuration.

No = when the system creates an Andersen order, it will post from the eight "generic" SKUs that you set up in your inventory.  You must enter these generic SKUs in the "Andersen Default SKU" fields in Options Configuration.   The SKUs must exist in Inventory Maintenance.