Setting Up Options for Applications Overview

Before you begin using your Epicor Eagle™ system, you need to set up the options (constants) that control the way the different applications work. For example, options tell the Point-of-Sale application information like which credit cards you accept, what the next invoice number is, whether or not to print prices on estimates, etc.

At the top of the Options Configuration window are five fields: Options, Subsystem, Store, User, and Terminal. By entering information into these five fields, you narrow down the Options that display in the grid below. Conversely, if you enter "All" in both the Subsystem and the Options field, then all Options display in the grid.

The Store, User, and Terminal fields default to the store you are locked into, the terminal you are using, and the current signed-on user of the terminal you are using. Changing the Store, User, or Terminal fields allows you do display and maintain other stores, users, or terminals.

Just above the grid, the system will indicate the "Kept By" method: "By System", "By Store", "By User", or "By Terminal". The method that displays corresponds to whichever Option in the grid is currently highlighted, and tells you how the highlighted item is kept— by system (one setting for the entire system), store (one setting per store), user (one setting per each user), or terminal (one setting per terminal). If the phrase "can be changed" displays, you can change the way the highlighted item is kept. For example, you may want to change an Option from being kept by System to being kept by Terminal. Changing the way an option is kept is available only on a limited number of options.

The topics in this book will help you set up your options for each application, and explain how to change the way an option is "kept."

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