Home > Reports > Accounts Receivable Reports > Accounts Receivable Report Examples > Salesperson Report (RSL): Report Sample
This topic provides an example of the Salesperson Report (RSL) and definitions of the fields on the report. For more information about RSL and procedure steps for running the report, click here to go to the online help topic. This report is available from both the Eagle Browser and Network Access.
The following is an example of the report. Click a field in the report to take you to the field definition.
The following is a list in alphabetical order of the fields on the RSL report.
Name— The name for the salesperson code as entered in Salesperson File Maintenance (MSL).
Options— The option codes used when running this report. For a definition of each Option, click here to go to the help topic.
Sales History— The Daily Journal Report (RDJ) run with Option F (Finalize) updates the PTD figures and YTD figures. The PTD figures are cleared each time the RSL report is run with Option P (Period-end Update). The YTD figures are cleared and moved to the YTD column each time the RSL report is run with Option Y (Year-end Update).
Sales— Total dollar amount of sales for the salesperson.
Cost — Total dollar amount of the cost of the items sold by the salesperson.
Profit $— Total dollar amount of the profit for this salesperson, calculated by subtracting Cost from Sales.
GP%— The gross profit percent for the salesperson, calculated by dividing Sales into Profit %, multiplied by 100.
Trxs— Number of transactions for this salesperson, calculated by subtracting credit transactions from sales transactions. A type A - Adjustment transaction does not update the number of transactions. A type I - Invoice transaction adds to the transactions total (if an I type document is deleted, it is subtracted from the transaction total). A type C - Credit transaction is subtracted from the transaction total (if a C type document is deleted, it is added to the transaction total).
Salesperson Number— The number assigned in Salesperson File Maintenance (MSL).
Territory— The territory assigned in Salesperson File Maintenance (MSL).