Customizing What Displays in a View
You can use the grid in a view to display, sort, and filter information. If you right-click on a grid column, a menu of options displays that allow you to customize what displays in a grid.
Right-Click Options
The following is a list of options that display when you right-click a column heading. Use these options to customize what displays in the grid.

If for any reason you want to abort the loading of the grid once it's begun, click
(the "make smaller" button) near the lower right corner of the grid, and follow the prompts on the screen.
- AlertsSet Alerts— Displays a dialog which allows you to choose an Alert color (red, yellow, or green) to highlight cells in the grid based on certain criteria. For example, In the Inventory Viewer you can highlight in red the Quantity-on-Hand column whenever quantity on hand is "less than or equal to" zero. Or, you could highlight in yellow the Date Last Physical Inventory column whenever it "is blank."
Clear Alerts On Column Name— Clears the alerts you set on a particular column.
Clear All Alerts— Clears the alerts in all columns.
- Check BoxesDisplays a column containing check boxes. This allows you to select or unselect rows. To select rows, click the check box. Or you can right-click the check box column and then click Select All. When the rows you want to see are checked, right-click the check box column and click Refine Selection. Only the selected rows now display. If you export a grid that includes check boxes, only the selected rows are exported.
- Clear All FiltersRemoves any filters set on all columns and displays all rows.
- Clear FilterRemoves any filters set on the selected column and displays all rows.
- ColumnDisplays a menu with the following choices:
About Column— Displays a dialog which provides information about the selected column.
Auto Size Column— Changes the width of the column so that the widest value fits in the column.
Customize Column— Displays a dialog which allows you to change the format of data in the columns. For example, you can change a number to display up to five digits past the decimal point.
Insert Column— Displays a dialog which allows you to insert a new column. There are two main types of columns you can insert:
*You can create a new column whose value compares two existing columns. For example, you can create a new column whose value is the difference between two existing columns.
*If you're in an editable grid (such as Options Configuration, Cash Drawer Balancing Viewer, etc., you can select to insert a blank column. There are five formats of blank columns available. To select a blank column, click on the arrow next to the box labeled "Insert a new column containing the," and you'll find the blank column choices at the bottom of the drop-down list. Once you've created a blank column, you can use the "fill from" feature. Right-click on the heading of the blank column, select Column, select Fill Column, and then select to either fill from another column or from the current row/column.
- Control PanelDisplays a menu with the following choices:
About this grid— Displays the About dialog which gives you information about the grid (such as number of rows, columns, and filters).
Export to spreadsheet— Starts Microsoft Excel and exports data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.
Export to CSV file— Starts Microsoft Excel and exports data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. You can export and launch Excel, or export only. Once you've exported the grid, and you attempt to export again, you get a third option, to Export and Append. This means you can append an export to a previous export, saving you from having to copy and paste the subsequent export.
Export to HTML file— Lets you select a color for the HTML file, then starts your browser with the HTML file displayed.
Export to file— Displays the File Selection window and exports data in the grid to the selected file.
Load All Rows— Loads all rows that fit the selected criteria into the grid, making a scroll bar available to move down through all the items for quicker lookup. Without this feature, only the items that will fit in the grid are loaded; to view the rest of the items, you have to wait while each subsequent screen loads.
Print— Displays the printing window.
Style— Displays a menu with the following choices. Select one according to how you prefer the grid to display.
Normal w/o Lines
Sedate w/o Lines
POS w/o Lines
Zoom In (bigger)— Makes the text in the grid larger and reduces the amount of the grid that can display on the screen.
Zoom Out (smaller)— Makes the text in the grid smaller and increases the amount of the grid that can display on the screen.
- Filter on column nameDisplays a dialog which allows you to set parameters to limit the rows displayed.
For example, a sales column can be filtered to show only sales greater than $100.00.
You can also select “Is Blank” and “Is not blank” for Dates or non-numeric column data. For example, you could do a filter on Date of Last Physical for "Is blank."
- Find column nameDisplays a menu with the following choices:
Next— Displays a dialog which allows you to set parameters to find the first (or next) row that fits those parameters and thereafter finds the next row without displaying the dialog box. For example, a sales column can be searched to find entries greater than $100.00.
First— Displays a dialog which allows you to set parameters to find the first row that fits the parameters you have chosen. For example, a sales column can be searched to find entries greater than $100.00.
- Hide column nameHides the selected column. Does not show as a column to display in Select Columns.
- Quick Graph of column nameDisplays a graph of the values in the selected column.
- Quick Sort & Subtotal by column nameSorts by the selected column and adds a subtotal line when the value in the column changes.
- Quick TotalCalculates and displays a grand total line as the last line in the grid.
- Remove column nameRemoves the selected column. Does not show as a column to display in Select Columns. This option is only available if the column was created with Insert Column.
- Select Columns to EditDisplays a dialog which allows you to select the columns to be editable. Columns not selected cannot be modified by clicking on them in the grid. This option is only available if information can be changed on the grid.
- Select Columns to ViewDisplays a dialog which allows you to select the columns to display. Columns not selected are hidden.
- Select Columns to GraphDisplays a dialog which allows you to select the columns to graph.
- Sort by column nameDisplays a menu with the following choices:
Sort by column name - Ascending (low to high)— Sorts all rows low to high by the column selected.
Sort by column name - Descending (high to low)— Sorts all rows high to low by the column selected.
- Totals and AveragesDisplays a menu with the following choices:
Totals and Averages - Quick Average— An averages row is added after the last line in the grid. If a column contains numeric data, an average is calculated. The average is the total of the column divided by the number of rows.
Totals and Averages - Quick Sort and Average by column name— Sorts by the selected column and adds an average line when the value in the column changes. The average is the subtotal of the column divided by the number of rows.
Totals and Averages - Remove Totals and Averages— Removes both the average and total rows from the grid.