Pharmacy Interface: Set Up Pet Rx Sku

Epic PMS interface supports Pharmacy Pet Medication prescriptions when option 9772 “Pharmacy Pet Medication support on System” is enabled and the SKU in option 9773 “Pharmacy Pet Medication SKU” is posted.
This feature posts Pet Meds to a different RX sku from prescription medications sold for human consumption. One big difference being that medications for pets are taxable while medications for humans are typically nontaxable–therefore the tax codes for the Pet Med SKU and Human SKU should be set accordingly. Other than that, there is no difference in how the posting of a pet medication works in POS from a human medication with prompts and signature requests being presented based on pharmacy options and signatures and update data passed back to the PMS system as any RX item.  
  1. Display the Inventory Maintenance window.

  2. In Department Maintenance, set up a unique department for prescriptions.

  3. In Inventory Maintenance, add the prescription SKU using the following guidelines:

  4. Click the Load tab.

  5. In the SKU field, type PX.

  6. In the Dept field, enter the department you set up for prescriptions.

  7.  In the Description field, enter "PET RX ITEM."

  8.  Click the Codes tab and:

  9. Click Add to add the item.

  10. In Options Configuration, click ID, type 9773, and press Enter. In the Current Value field, type the SKU you just set up. Then click Change.