This topic provides an example of the Void Transactions Report (RVT) and definitions of the fields on the report. For more information about RVT and procedure steps for running the report, click here to go to the online help topic. This report is available from both the Eagle Browser and Network Access.
The following is an example of the report. Click a field in the report to take you to the field definition.
The following is a list in alphabetical order of the fields on the RVT report.
Clerk— The clerk for the transaction.
Created— The date of the transaction.
Cust # / Job— The customer number and job on the transaction.
Description— The item description.
Ext. Prc— The extended price for this line on the transaction. Calculated as Qty multiplied by Unit Prc
Options— The option codes used when running this report. For a definition of each Option, click here to go to the help topic.
Reason— The reason code selected at POS when the transaction was voided.
Ship-To Name— The name entered in the Ship-To Name field on the POS Header screen.
Terminal— The terminal number where the transaction was entered.
Time— The time the transaction was entered.
Type— The type of the transaction. CRED = Credit Memo, ORD = Order, S/O = Special Order, EST = Estimate, BID = Bid, LAYW = Layaway, RAIN = Raincheck, TRNG = Training, QUOT = Quote