Printing Inventory Labels from RLA/RBL

Epicor Eagle™ Labels for Windows users only.

If you have purchased the Epicor Eagle™ Labels for Windows application, and you want to print laser labels for a group of items that fall within the same range (such as Vendor), you can print laser price or bin labels from the Item Price Labels (RLA) or Item Bin Labels (RBL) report screens, respectively. This method works well if you don't want to make any modifications to the range of items you select. (If you want the flexibility of being able to modify items in the range, see Selecting a Range of Items for Labels.)

When printing laser labels from RLA or RBL, the system uses the label format you established as the default price or bin labels in the Options Configuration window.

Important: The printer at which you are going to print the RLA or RBL labels must be set up as a network printer in Modify Printer Status (Function MPS).

  1. From the Eagle Browser, click Label Design and Printing Menu, then Click Item Price Labels (RLA) or Item Bin Labels (RBL).

  2. From the File to Use window, click on the file you want to use to create your labels.  

    1. For price labels, select one of the following files:

      1. Inventory File

      2. Price Change File

      3. Purchasing File

      4. Transfer File

    2. For bin labels, select one of the following files:

      • Inventory File

      • Price Change File

      • Purchasing File

      • Promotion File

      • Item Change file

  3. From the Print Setup window, in the Printer Number field, enter the printer number that represents the network printer at which you are printing the labels.  Review the default entries in the other fields and make changes if needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

  4. Click (in the left pane of the window).

  5. In the Labels to Use field, select 4-Windows Labels. Review the default entries in the other fields and make changes if needed. For a definition of each field, click here.

Important: If you change the Price to Print field to anything other than Retail (List, Promotion, or Matrix Prices 1-5), click here for important information before continuing to the next step. If you do not change the Price to Print field (that is, if you leave the default of Retail), continue with the next step.

  1. Click (in the left pane of the window).

  2. Fill in the blank fields, as needed.  Review the default entries in the other fields and make changes if needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

  3. (Optional) Click (in the left pane of the window).

  4. Fill in the fields as needed.  For a definition of each field, click here.

  5. Click Run.  A dialog box displays.

  6. Click Yes if you want to exit the window, or No if you want to remain in the window.

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