Pesticide Plan Overview

The Epicor Eagle™ for Windows system allows you to set up a pesticide plan to track customer licenses, license expiration dates, and designate items in your inventory as pesticide SKUs. When a pesticide SKU is posted to a POS transaction, the system checks the customer record to verify that the license information is current and that the pesticide plan for the customer allows the purchase of that type of pesticide. The customer's pesticide license number and expiration date then print on the invoice.

In Inventory Maintenance (IMU), using the *Tally field on the Codes tab, you can categorize pesticide SKUs as a:

In Customer Maintenance (MCR), you can maintain a customer's license number and expiration date for the various license types – Pesticide, Applicator, and Restricted Use.

In Customer Maintenance you can also set up a list of pesticide items that are sellable at POS for the customer, based on the customer's license of restricted pesticides. During a POS transaction the system checks the customer plan to verify that the item being sold is allowed for that customer.

The components of a pesticide plan include the following:

To start setting up a pesticide plan, do any of the following:

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